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Agricultural Water Wells

At Crown Drilling Company, We have experience in drilling agricultural wells for all types of farming, from vineyards to dairies and everything in between.

The purpose of an agricultural well is to provide water for livestock, crops, and irrigation. Agriculture wells are drilled to depths ranging from 30 feet to 400 feet depending on the soil type and whether there is a need for deeper water.

The depth of an agricultural well depends on its intended use. In areas with sandy soils, you may only need a shallow well that reaches groundwater levels at 30 feet or less. If your soil is rocky and hard to penetrate, you will want to drill a deeper well to access groundwater at greater depth without encountering as many obstacles.

Before beginning construction, you should know how deep agricultural wells are in your area. You can find this information by talking with local farmers or searching online resources such as county extension offices or local government websites.

Equine Well Drilling

Equine wells are drilled the same way agricultural wells are. The only difference is that equine wells are smaller than agricultural wells and cost less money to drill because they don’t have to be as deep. The most common use for equine wells is to supply water for horses, which will drink a lot of water when thirsty!

Poultry Well Drilling

Poultry well drilling is a specialized field of agricultural well drilling. It’s different from other agricultural well drilling in that it requires: more time and effort, more money due to the extra equipment required, and technical expertise on the part of the driller.

Dairy Farm Well Drilling

Dairy farm wells are used to supply water to livestock. The drilling of dairy farm wells is typically done in the spring when it’s time to bring out the cattle and start milking them.

A dairy farm well is a much larger project than other agricultural wells because it needs to be deeper than average. The depth of your well depends on how far down you want to reach for groundwater (the water underneath the surface). The deeper you want your groundwater source, the longer it will take for a drilling crew to dig down there.

Vineyard Water Wells

The amount of water required by vineyards depends on the size and age of the vineyard, as well as local weather conditions. In general, vines require about 3 to 4 inches of water per week for the first year after planting and up to 6 inches per week in subsequent years. The quality of your soil will also affect how much water you need for your vineyard: sandy soils tend not to retain as much moisture as clay or loam soils.
For this reason, it is vital to have a well system that can provide ample clean water over time without going dry at any point during your growing season. A professional drill can help ensure that your vineyard has access to fresh groundwater even when drought conditions arise—and also keep existing wells functioning optimally by preventing clogging with sedimentation over time.

Irrigation Well Drilling

Irrigation well drilling involves many tasks, including designing the well, digging it, and installing the pump. You may also need to maintain or repair your irrigation well from time to time.

Crown Drilling Company provides a full range of services for irrigation wells:

  1. Designing new irrigation systems
  2. Digging old or broken irrigation wells
  3. Installing pumps in newly-dug wells and repairing existing systems (whether one-pump or multi-pump)

Crown Drilling Company has experience drilling all types of agricultural wells. We have been drilling agricultural wells and have a good reputation for quality well drilling.

We are the most significant water well contractor in California with our modern equipment and personnel to drill all types of agricultural water wells. Contact us today for a free quote on your next project!